LD 1421
pg. 3
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LR 631
Item 1

1. Allocation of license fees. Ten dollars of each $113.75
fee, $10 of each $114 fee, $20 of each $228.50 fee, $30 of each
$341.25 fee, $30 of each $336 fee, $60 of each $682.75 fee, $120
of each $1,371.50 fee, $180 of each $2,047.25 fee and $5 of each
$56 fee for each lobster and crab fishing license must be
allocated to the Lobster Fund, which must be used for the
purposes of lobster biology research, of propagation of lobsters
by liberating seed lobsters and female lobsters in Maine coastal
waters and of establishing and supporting lobster hatcheries.

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