LD 1589
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LR 614
Item 1

Within 30 days of receiving notice of any action under this
article, including an administrative decision establishing an
obligation to provide health insurance and payment for other
medical expenses, and including an administrative decision that did
not establish an obligation to provide health insurance and payment
for other medical expenses, the responsible parent or the
department may move for a review of any action under this article
by serving a request for review, together with an affidavit stating
the grounds upon which the request is based, upon the other party.
The department may review any action under this article without
proceeding under this section. The department acting on behalf of
another state or its instrumentality or a person residing in
another state constitutes good cause within the meaning of Title 5,
section 9057, subsection 5.

Sec. 12. 19-A MRSA §2451, sub-§2, ķA, as enacted by PL 1995, c. 694,
Pt. B, §2 and affected by Pt. E, §2, is amended to read:

A. The hearing must be conducted according to rules adopted
by the commissioner. The Except as provided by section
2304, subsection 4, paragraph F, the rules must provide both
the moving and responding parties at least the right to
confront and cross-examine witnesses, to present witnesses,
to be represented by an attorney or other person and to be
notified of these rights in writing. The decision must be
limited to evidence presented at the hearing.

Sec. 13. Automatic modification study; report. The Department of Health and
Human Services, working with the Family Law Advisory Commission,
established in the Maine Revised Statutes, Title 19-A, section 351, shall
study the need for legislation that provides the automatic modification
of all orders establishing or modifying child support upon a child
reaching any of the events listed in the Maine Revised Statutes, Title
19-A, section 2006, subsection 8, paragraph G. The department shall
submit its report, accompanied by any recommendations, to the Joint
Standing Committee on Judiciary by January 1, 2006. Following receipt
and review of the report, the committee may report out legislation to the
122nd Legislature.

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