LD 449
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LR 416
Item 1

occur within the State absent the availability of the Pine
Tree Development Zone benefits. The department shall
investigate determine whether the business has met the
requirements of this paragraph and provide an advisory opinion
to the Executive Director of the Bureau of Revenue Services in
the Department of Administrative and Financial Services, who
shall make the final determination; and

B. It has received a certificate as a qualified business
pursuant to section 5250-O.

18. Qualified Pine Tree Development Zone employees.
"Qualified Pine Tree Development Zone employees" means new, full-
time employees hired in this State by a qualified Pine Tree
Development Zone business for work directly in one or more
qualified business activities for whom a retirement program
subject to the Employee Retirement Income Security Act of 1974,
29 United States Code, Sections 101 to 1461 (2003), as amended,
and group health insurance are provided and whose wages income
derived from employment within the Pine Tree Development Zone
are, calculated on a calendar year basis, is greater than the
average most recent annual per capita wages personal income in
the local labor market area in the county in which the qualified
employee is employed. "Qualified Pine Tree Development Zone
employees must be residents of this State " does not include
employees shifted to a qualified business activity from a
nonqualified activity of the qualified Pine Tree Development Zone
business or an affiliated business. The commissioner shall
determine whether a shifting of employees has occurred.

Sec. 5. 30-A MRSA §5250-J, sub-§3, as enacted by PL 2003, c. 688, Pt.
D, §2, is amended to read:

3. Limitations. The designation of Pine Tree Development
Zones is subject to the following limitations:

A. The total area of a zone, including all noncontiguous
parcels, may not exceed 5,000 acres, which need not be
contiguous.__In calculating the 5,000-acre limit, only
developable acres may be counted;

B. A zone located in Aroostook County as described in
subsection 1, paragraph A may include property that is also
included within the Aroostook County Empowerment Zone as
designated by the federal Community Renewal Tax Relief Act
of 2000, Public Law 106-554;

C. Pine Tree Development Zone benefits may not be used to
encourage or facilitate the transfer of existing positions or
property of a qualified business or affiliated businesses

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