LD 1532
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LR 1233
Item 1


H.P. 1077 - L.D. 1532

An Act To Protect Maine Citizens from Lead Hazards that Harm

Maine Children and Families

Be it enacted by the People of the State of Maine as follows:

Sec. 1. 14 MRSA §6030-B is enacted to read:

§6030-B.__Environmental lead hazards

1.__Environmental lead hazard disclosure. A landlord or other
lessor of residential property shall provide to potential tenants
and lessees a residential real property disclosure statement that
includes, but is not limited to, information about the presence
or prior removal of lead-based paint in accordance with Title 22,
section 1328.

2.__Application.__The landlord or lessor shall provide the
residential real property disclosure statement under subsection 1
when a structure that is part of the real property was built
prior to 1978.

Sec. 2. 22 MRSA §1328 is enacted to read:

§1328.__Residential real property disclosure statement forms

1.__Sellers of real property.__The department shall prepare a
standard residential real property disclosure statement form for
potential sellers of real property to use to disclose to
potential purchasers information concerning environmental lead
hazards, in or about the real property, to comply with Title 33,
section 173, subsection 4, paragraph B.__The statement is in
addition to that required under 42 United States Code, Section
4852d and implementing regulations.

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