LD 1504
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LR 363
Item 1

1.__Statement.__The purposes of the Mountain View Youth
Development Center are:

A.__To detain juveniles pending a court proceeding;

B.__To administer court-ordered diagnostic evaluations
pursuant to Title 15, section 3309-A, and court-ordered
examinations pursuant to Title 15, section 3318;

C.__To rehabilitate juveniles committed to a juvenile
correctional facility pursuant to Title 15, section 3314,
subsection 1, paragraph F;

D.__To protect the public from dangerous juveniles;

E.__To confine juveniles ordered detained pursuant to Title
15, section 3314, subsection 1, paragraph H;

F.__To confine juveniles ordered detained pursuant to Title
15, section 3312, subsection 3, paragraph D; and

G.__To confine juveniles ordered detained pursuant to Title
12, sections 6004, 8004 and 10608 and Title 29-A, section

2.__Accomplishment.__To accomplish the purposes set out in
subsection 1, the disciplines of education, casework, group work,
psychology, psychiatry, medicine, nursing, vocational training
and religion as they are related to human relations and
personality development must be employed.__Security measures,
whether in the form of physically restrictive construction or
intensive staff supervision, when appropriate, may be taken to
accomplish these purposes.

Sec. 23. 34-A MRSA §4108, sub-§2, ¶H, as enacted by PL 1991, c. 400, is
amended to read:

H. A juvenile held under observation must be under constant
sight and sound supervision by facility staff, which must be
constant if necessary to prevent imminent harm to the

Sec. 24. 34-A MRSA §4111, sub-§3, as amended by PL 2003, c. 706, Pt.
A, §13, is further amended to read:

3. Psychiatric hospitalization. The commissioner has all the
power over a juvenile client or juvenile detainee that a guardian
has over a ward and that a parent has over a child with regard to
necessary psychiatric hospitalization, including

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