LD 505
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LR 347
Item 1

officio, and 5 directors who are members of the public, appointed
by the Governor and confirmed by the Legislature for 5-year
staggered terms, who shall serve until their respective successors
are appointed and qualified.__A vacancy in a position held by a
director who is a member of the public occurring other than by the
expiration of a term must be filled by the Governor and confirmed
by the Legislature for the unexpired term.

2.__Compensation and removal of directors who are members of
public.__Each director who is a member of the public is entitled
to compensation according to the provisions of Title 5, chapter
379.__The Governor may remove any director who is a member of the
public for cause.

3.__Ex officio directors.__Each ex officio director may vote
and may designate 2 employees of that director's department or
agency, either of whom may represent that director and may vote
and otherwise act on behalf of that director at meetings of the
board.__Any such designation must be in writing and delivered to
the board, and the designation continues in effect until revoked
or amended by the director in a written document delivered to the

4.__Chair.__The Governor shall appoint one director to serve
as chair of the board, who is responsible for scheduling,
convening and chairing all board meetings.

5.__Officers.__The board shall elect a treasurer, a secretary
and any other officers the board from time to time considers
necessary, none of whom needs to be a director.

6.__Quorum.__All powers of the authority may be exercised by
the board in lawful meeting, and a majority of directors then in
office constitutes a quorum.__A vacancy on the board does not
impair the right of a quorum to exercise all the rights and
perform all the duties of the authority.

7.__Regular meetings.__Regular meetings of the board may be
established by bylaw, and notice of such regular meetings need
not be given to directors.

Sec. 9. 23 MRSA §8115, as enacted by PL 1995, c. 374, §3, is
amended to read:

§8115. Obligations of authority

All expenses incurred in carrying out this chapter must be
paid solely from funds provided to or obtained by the authority
pursuant to this chapter. Any notes, obligations or liabilities
under this chapter may not be deemed to be a debt of the State or

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