LD 1128
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LR 675
Item 1

or access to these capabilities nearby to facilitate common
training for the system.

D. The records and proceedings of the applied technology
development centers are not considered public for the
purposes of Title 1, chapter 13.

4. Funding. The following provisions govern funding for
applied technology development centers.

A. An applicant may not receive more than $750,000 from the
system in an initial funding for an applied a technology
development center.

B. An entity that requests initial funding for an applied
technology development center shall obtain or must have
obtained at least 25% of the funding from nonstate sources.
These sources may include in-kind donations, federal grants,
federal funding, local funding initiatives and private
foundation grants. The Applied Technology Development
Center System Coordinating Board shall determine whether the
matching funds meet this requirement. The Center for
Environmental Enterprise in South Portland, the Target
Technology Center in Orono, the Thomas M. Teague
Biotechnology Park in Fairfield and the Loring Biotechnology
Incubator in Limestone must meet this requirement in order
to receive funding under this subsection.

5. Relationship with academic institution. An applied A
technology development center shall establish a relationship with
at least one academic institution in this State. The Applied
Technology Development Center System Coordinating Board shall
establish guidelines for such a relationship and determine
whether an applied a technology development center has met the
requirements of this subsection.

6. Rule-making authority. The Department of Economic and
Community Development may adopt rules to carry out the purposes
of this section. Rules adopted pursuant to this section are
routine technical rules as defined in chapter 375, subchapter II-
A 2-A.

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