LD 257
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LR 337
Item 1


H.P. 196 - L.D. 257

An Act To Require Notice prior to Decreases in Wage

or Salary Rates

Be it enacted by the People of the State of Maine as follows:

Sec. 1. 26 MRSA §621-A, sub-§5 is enacted to read:

5.__Change in rate of pay.__Notwithstanding the provision of
section 623 exempting salaried employees as defined in section
663, subsection 3, paragraph K, payment of wages or salary must
be made at the rate previously established by the employer,
except that the employer may decrease the rate of pay, effective
the next working day, if the employer gives notice to all
affected employees prior to the change.__When an employer has
temporarily increased an employee's wage rate to comply with the
prevailing wage requirements of chapter 15; the Davis-Bacon Act,
40 United States Code, Section 276a et seq.; or other applicable
federal or state law, an employer need not provide advance notice
prior to returning the employee to the employee's regular wage
rate, as long as the employer is in compliance with all posting
and notice provisions of the applicable law.__Changes of rates of
pay made under a collective bargaining agreement are exempt from
this requirement.

Sec. 2. 26 MRSA §623, as amended by PL 1999, c. 790, Pt. P, §2 and
affected by §3, is further amended to read:

§623. Exemptions

This section and sections 621-A and 622 do not apply to

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