LD 1303
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LR 679
Item 1

exist at the time the application for the license or
registration was made.

An affirmative finding by the District Court of either cause
shall be is sufficient to suspend or revoke the license or

1-A. The administrator may refuse to renew a license or
registration, after notice and opportunity for a hearing has been
provided to the licensee or registrant, for any of the reasons
set forth in subsection 1.

2. No revocation or suspension of a license shall impair or
registration impairs or affect affects the obligation of any
preexisting lawful contract between the licensee or registrant
and any debtor.

3. The administrator may reinstate a license, terminate a
suspension or grant a new license or registration to a person
whose license or registration has been revoked if no fact or
condition then exists which that clearly would have justified the
administrator in refusing to grant a license or registration.

4. No revocation, suspension, annulment or withdrawal of a
license or registration is lawful unless, prior to the
institution of proceedings by the administrator, he the
administrator gave notice by mail to the licensee or registrant
of facts or conduct which that warrant the intended action, and
the licensee or registrant was given an opportunity to show
compliance with all lawful requirements for the retention of the
license or registration.

Sec. 7. 9-A MRSA §2-303-A, as enacted by PL 2001, c. 371, §4, is
amended to read:

§2-303-A. Temporary suspension of license or registration

Notwithstanding Title 5, sections 10003 and 10004 and Title
10, section 8003, if the public interest or the protection of
borrowers so requires, the administrator may, by order, suspend a
license to make supervised loans or registration as a loan
officer or postpone the effective date of such a license or
registration. Upon entry of the order, the administrator shall
promptly notify the applicant or, licensee or registrant that an
order has been entered, of the reasons for the order and that,
within 15 days after the receipt of a written request by the
applicant or, licensee or registrant, the matter must be
scheduled for hearing. Section 2-303 applies to all subsequent

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