LD 1506
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LR 585
Item 1

adverse impact under the standards in section 490-Z. Within 30
days of receipt of the notice of intent to comply, the department
shall respond to the comments made by the municipality. Abutting
property owners, the Maine Historic Preservation Commission or
other interested persons may submit comments directly to the

Sec. 11. 38 MRSA §490-Z, sub-§3, as enacted by PL 1995, c. 700, §35,
is amended to read:

3. Groundwater protection. To ensure adequate groundwater
protection, the following setback requirements must be met.

A. A 200-foot separation must be maintained between an
excavation and a private drinking water supply that is point
driven or dug and was in existence prior to the excavation.

B. A 100-foot separation must be maintained between an
excavation and a private drinking water supply that is
drilled into saturated bedrock and was in existence prior to
the excavation.

C. Separation must be maintained between an excavation and
a public drinking water source as follows:

(1) For systems serving a population of 500 persons or
less, the minimum separation must be 300 feet;

(2) For systems serving a population of 501 persons up
to 1,000 persons, the separation must be 500 feet;

(3) For systems serving a population of more than
1,000 persons, the separation must be 1,000 feet; and

(4) For any system that holds a valid filtration
waiver in accordance with the federal Safe Drinking
Water Act, 42 United States Code, Sections 300f to
300j-26 (1988), the separation must be 1,000 feet.

D. Refueling operations, oil changes, other maintenance
activities requiring the handling of fuels, petroleum
products and hydraulic fluids and other on-site activity
involving storage or use of products that, if spilled, may
contaminate groundwater, must be conducted in accordance
with the department's spill prevention, control and
countermeasures plan. Petroleum products and other
substances that may contaminate groundwater must be stored
and handled over impervious surfaces that are designed to
contain spills. The spill prevention, control and
countermeasures plan must be posted at the site.

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