LD 1506
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LR 585
Item 1

internally drained at all times unless a variance is obtained from
the department. Stockpiles consisting of topsoil to be used for
reclamation must be seeded, mulched or otherwise temporarily

A. Sediment may not leave the parcel or enter a protected
natural resource.

B. Grubbed areas not internally drained must be stabilized.

C. Erosion and sedimentation control for access roads must
be conducted in accordance with the department's best
management practices for erosion and sedimentation control.
Areas for access roads that are not naturally internally
drained must meet the standards of section 420-C.

The department may not grant a variance from the provisions of
paragraph A, B or C. Areas are not considered "naturally
internally drained" if surface discharge is impeded through the
use of structures such as detention ponds, retention ponds and
undersized culverts.

Sec. 13. 38 MRSA §490-Z, sub-§9, as enacted by PL 1995, c. 700, §35,
is repealed and the following enacted in its place:

9. Water quality protection and storm water management.__
Standards of the laws governing storm water management and waste
discharge must be met as provided in this subsection.

A.__A variance must be obtained and storm water standards
adopted pursuant to section 420-D must be met for any part
of a project, other than the working pit area, that is not
naturally internally drained if that part of the project
would require a storm water management permit pursuant to
section 420-D but for the exception for certain excavations
in section 420-D, subsection 5.__A storm water management
permit pursuant to section 420-D is not required.

B. A waste discharge must meet standards and obtain
authorization if required pursuant to section 413.

Sec. 14. 38 MRSA §490-Z, sub-§12, as enacted by PL 1995, c. 700, §35,
is amended to read:

12. Dust. Dust generated by activities at a quarry,
including dust associated with traffic to and from a quarry, must
be controlled by sweeping, paving, watering or other best
management practices for control of fugitive emissions. Dust
control methods may include calcium chloride as long as the
manufacturer's labeling guidelines are followed. The department

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