LD 1113
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LR 897
Item 1

32.66" longitude W and 44, 1', 26.8" latitude N; thence south
to the point of intersection of 70, 56', 29.08" longitude W
and 43, 59', 56.34" latitude N; thence west to the Maine and
New Hampshire border; thence north along the Maine and New
Hampshire border to Stevens Brook; thence south along Stevens
Brook to the Saco River; thence north along the Saco River to
the point of intersection of 70, 57', 51.24" longitude W and
44, 3', 14.42" latitude N; thence east to the point of

Sec. 2. Powers; authority; duties. The district has all the powers and
authority and is subject to all the requirements and restrictions
provided in the Maine Revised Statutes, Title 35-A, chapter 64.

Sec. 3. Additional powers. The district is authorized to enter into
contracts with appropriate entities to arrange for, or provide,
continued service to existing customers of the Fryeburg Water
Company who are located outside the territory of the district to
the extent permitted under and in accordance with applicable laws
and rules.

The district is authorized to sell water to bulk water
exporters, subject to the requirements of applicable laws and
rules and town ordinances and with the approval of the town's
planning board.

Sec. 4. Power to take water. The district is authorized to take, to
hold and to convey within the Town of Fryeburg and from any part
of the town water from any surface or groundwater source within
the town.

Sec. 5. Number of trustees. The board of trustees of the district is
composed of 5 trustees. The trustees must be residents of the
district but need not use the district services.

Sec. 6. Election of first board. The first board is elected in an
election called by the municipal officers of the Town of Fryeburg
by the voters in accordance with this Act. The terms of the
first board are governed by the Maine Revised Statutes, Title 35-
A, section 6410.

Sec. 7. Terms of trustees. After the election of the first board,
trustees are elected to 3-year terms.

Sec. 8. District authorized to acquire property and franchises of Fryeburg Water
Company. The district, through its trustees, may acquire by
purchase the Fryeburg Water Company and the entire plant,
properties, franchises, rights and privileges owned by the
Fryeburg Water Company, located within the district,

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