LD 982
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LR 818
Item 1

Sec. 8. Eminent domain. The district's authority to exercise and the
procedures for exercising eminent domain are as specified in the
Maine Revised Statutes, Title 38, section 1252, subsection 2.

Sec. 9. Crossing other public utility. If a sewer line of the district
crosses the property or line of another public utility, unless
consent is given by the other public utility as to the place,
manner and conditions of the crossing within 30 days after
consent is requested by the district, the Public Utilities
Commission shall determine the place, manner and conditions of
the crossings. Any work on the property of that public utility
must be done under the supervision and to the satisfaction of the
public utility, but at the expense of the district. If a sewer
line of the district as provided in this section crosses the
property or line of a railroad corporation, the procedure is the
same as stated in this section, except that the Department of
Transportation is substituted for the Public Utilities
Commission. Nothing in this section may be construed as
authorizing the district to take by right of eminent domain any
of the property or facilities of any other public utility used or
acquired for future use by the owner of the property or
facilities in the performance of a public duty unless expressly
authorized by special act of the Legislature.

Sec. 10. Rights and obligations of abutters and others to enter. A person may not
connect a private sewer to a district sewer until:

1. The private sewer has been inspected by a designated agent
of the district and that agent has certified in writing that the
private sewer has been constructed in compliance with and meets
all requirements and conditions of the district's regulations;

2. The person has paid or has made arrangements acceptable to
the district to pay all assessments, impact fees or other charges
the district imposes when a private sewer is connected to any of
the district sewers; and

3. The person has obtained a permit in writing permitting the
connection from the trustees. Before a permit is issued, the
clerk or the clerk's designee for the district shall record the
permit in the district's records.

Every building in the district intended for human habitation
or occupancy or with facilities for discharge or disposal of
sewage or commercial or industrial waste accessible to a sewer of
the district must, in the most direct manner possible, connect to

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