LD 982
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LR 818
Item 1

A discharge of the certificate given after expiration of the right
of redemption when the discharge has been recorded in the registry
of deeds for more than one year terminates all title the sewer
district derived from that certificate or any other recorded
certificate for which the right of redemption expired 10 years or
more prior to the foreclosure date of this discharge lien, unless
the sewer district has conveyed any interest based upon the title
acquired from any of the affected liens.

Sec. 22. Supplementary charges. The district is authorized to impose
charges, in addition to any other assessments now lawfully
imposed by general law, for the use of sewers, sewer systems and
treatment works. The trustees may adopt rules as may be
necessary or convenient to carry out the purposes of the
district. All incidental powers, rights and privileges necessary
to the accomplishment of the purposes of the district are granted
to the district and its trustees, including the right of its
trustees to determine when and where sewerage and treatment
facilities and disposal units are needed and when and where the
same are constructed.

Sec. 23. Competitive bidding. A contract in excess of $2,000 between
the district and a contractor for the construction of facilities
located on private property for the exclusive use of a private
individual and for which the private individual is required to
pay the total cost directly to the district must be awarded by a
system of competitive bidding. Unless there are valid reasons to
the contrary, the contracts must be awarded to the lowest
responsible bidder.

Sec. 24. District personnel records. The personnel records of the
district are confidential to the same extent as municipal records
pursuant to the Maine Revised Statutes, Title 30-A, section 2702,
subsection 1. The records are reviewable by employees of the
district to the same extent and in the same manner as provided
for municipal personnel records pursuant to the Maine Revised
Statutes, Title 30-A, section 2702, subsection 2.

Sec. 25. Sewer extension. The district may not construct a sewer
extension unless the district complies with the provisions of the
Maine Revised Statutes, Title 38, section 1252, subsection 7.

Sec. 26. P&SL 1955, c. 69, as amended, is repealed.

Sec. 27. Existing law not affected; rights conferred subject to provisions of law.
Except as expressly provided in this Act, nothing contained in
this Act is intended to repeal or may be

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