LD 982
pg. 17
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LR 818
Item 1

of the assessment with 10% interest on the same from the date of
the assessment and costs.

Sec. 21. Collection of unpaid rates. There is a lien on real estate
served or benefited by the sewers of the district to secure the
payment of rates, tolls, rents, impact fees, entrance charges and
other charges established and due under this Act. The lien takes
precedence over all other claims on the real estate excepting
only claims for taxes.

The treasurer of the district has full and complete authority
and power to collect the rates, tolls, rents, impact fees,
entrance charges and other charges established under this Act,
and they must be committed to the treasurer. The treasurer may,
after demand for payment, sue in the name of the district in a
civil action for any rate, toll, rent, impact fee, entrance
charge or other charge remaining unpaid in any court of competent
jurisdiction. In addition to other methods established by law
for the collection of rates, tolls, rents, impact fees, entrance
charges and other charges, and without waiver of the right to sue
for the same, the lien created may be enforced in the following
manner. The treasurer, when a rate, toll, rent, impact fee,
entrance charge or other charge has been committed to the
treasurer for collection, may, after the expiration of 3 months
and within one year after the date when the same became due and
payable, give to the owner of the real estate served, or leave at
the owner's last and usual place of abode, or send by certified
mail, return receipt requested, to the owner's last known
address, a notice in writing signed by the treasurer or bearing
the treasurer's facsimile signature stating the amount of that
rate, toll, rent, impact fee or entrance charge or other charge.
The notice must describe the real estate upon which the lien is
claimed and state that a lien is claimed on the real estate to
secure the payment of the rate, toll, rent, impact fee, entrance
charge or other charge. The notice must demand the payment of
the rate, toll, rent, impact fee, entrance charge or other charge
within 30 days after service or mailing, with $1 for the
treasurer for mailing the notice together with the certified
mail, return receipt requested, fee. The notice must contain a
statement that the district is willing to arrange installment
payments of the outstanding debt. For the purpose of this
section, a mobile home is considered real estate. After the
expiration of a period of 30 days and within one year thereafter,
the treasurer shall record in the registry of deeds in the county
in which the property of the person is located a certificate
signed by the treasurer setting forth the amount of the rate,
toll, rent, impact fee, entrance charge or other charge
describing the real estate on which the lien is claimed. The
certificate must state that a lien is claimed on the real estate
to secure payment of the rate, toll, rent, impact fee, entrance

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