LD 2114
pg. 4
Page 3 of 4 An Act To Implement Organizational Improvements to the Legislative Youth Adviso... LD 2114 Title Page
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LR 3287
Item 1

2 years may serve for the entire period of that 2-year appointment.


Part A repeals a requirement that the Department of Education
transfer $30,000 to the Legislature to fund certain activities of
the Legislative Youth Advisory Council. In lieu of that
transfer, this bill instead requires that the Department of
Education use existing Other Special Revenue funds to pay for 2
statewide public forums of the council between July 1, 2006 and
November 30, 2006. Completion of the 2 public forums required in
this bill and payment by the department of all associated costs
constitute fulfillment of the duties of the department and the
council pertaining to public forums required under Resolve 2003,
chapter 143, Part A, sections 2 and 3. A summary of these
forums, along with any recommendations from those forums, will be
included in the council's report to the Legislature in January
2007. Part A also adds a provision prohibiting any public or
private entity from seeking any outside funds to support
activities of the council without first obtaining the prior
written approval from the Legislative Council or its executive

Part B simplifies the appointment process, changes the
council's reporting requirements from an annual report to the
full Legislature to a biennial report to the Legislative Council,
changes the number of youth members on the council from 18 to 16,
requires youth members to be at least 16 years of age at the time
of appointment and requires that all youths and legislative
members be appointed or reappointed at the start of each new
Legislature. Transition provisions are included that allow
current youth members to serve the full 2-year term for which
they were appointed under the previous law.

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