LD 2111
pg. 4
Page 3 of 11 An Act To Implement the Recommendations of the Freedom of Access Advisory Commi... Page 5 of 11
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LR 3212
Item 1

H.__Shall serve as an adviser to the Legislature when
legislation affecting public access is considered;

I.__May conduct public hearings, conferences, workshops and
other meetings to obtain information about, discuss,
publicize the needs of and consider solutions to problems
concerning access to public proceedings and records;

J.__Shall review the collection, maintenance and use of
records by agencies and officials to ensure that
confidential records and information are protected and
public records remain accessible to the public; and

K.__May undertake other activities consistent with its
listed responsibilities.

7.__Outside funding for advisory committee activities.__The
advisory committee may seek outside funds to fund the cost of
public hearings, conferences, workshops, other meetings, other
activities of the advisory committee and educational and training
materials.__Contributions to support the work of the advisory
committee may not be accepted from any party having a pecuniary
or other vested interest in the outcome of the matters being
studied.__Any person, other than a state agency, desiring to make
a financial or in-kind contribution shall certify to the
Legislative Council that it has no pecuniary or other vested
interest in the outcome of the advisory committee's activities.__
Such a certification must be made in the manner prescribed by the
Legislative Council.__All contributions are subject to approval
by the Legislative Council.__All funds accepted must be forwarded
to the Executive Director of the Legislative Council along with
an accounting record that includes the amount of funds, the date
the funds were received, from whom the funds were received and
the purpose of and any limitation on the use of those funds.__The
Executive Director of the Legislative Council shall administer
any funds received by the advisory committee.

8.__Compensation.__Legislative members of the advisory
committee__are entitled to receive the legislative per diem, as
defined in Title 3, section 2, and reimbursement for travel and
other necessary expenses for their attendance at authorized
meetings of the advisory committee.__Public members not otherwise
compensated by their employers or other entities that they
represent are entitled to receive reimbursement of necessary
expenses and, upon a demonstration of financial hardship, a per
diem equal to the legislative per diem for their attendance at
authorized meetings of the advisory committee.

9.__Staffing.__The Legislative Council shall provide staff
support for the operation of the advisory committee, except that

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