LD 2111
pg. 2
Page 1 of 11 An Act To Implement the Recommendations of the Freedom of Access Advisory Commi... Page 3 of 11
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LR 3212
Item 1

K.__Two representatives of broadcasting interests, one
appointed by the President of the Senate and one appointed
by the Speaker of the House;

L.__Two representatives of the public, one appointed by the
President of the Senate and one appointed by the Speaker of
the House; and

M.__The Attorney General or the Attorney General's designee.

The advisory committee shall invite the Chief Justice of the
Supreme Judicial Court to designate a member of the judicial
branch to serve as a member of the committee.

3. Terms of appointment.__The terms of appointment are as

A.__Except as provided in paragraph B, members are appointed
for terms of 3 years.

B.__Members who are Legislators are appointed for the
duration of the legislative terms of office in which they
were appointed.

C.__Members may serve beyond their designated terms until
their successors are appointed.

4.__First meeting; chair.__The Executive Director of the
Legislative Council shall call the first meeting of the advisory
committee as soon as funding permits.__At the first meeting, the
advisory committee shall select a chair from among its members
and may select a new chair annually.

5. Meetings.__The advisory committee may meet as often as
necessary but not fewer than 4 times a year.__A meeting may be
called by the chair or by any 4 members.

6. Duties and powers.__The advisory committee:

A.__Shall provide guidance in ensuring access to public
records and proceedings and help to establish an effective
process to address general compliance issues and respond to
requests for interpretation and clarification of the laws;

B.__Shall serve as the central source and coordinator of
information about the freedom of access laws and the people's
right to know.__The advisory committee shall provide the basic
information about the requirements of the law and the best
practices for agencies and public officials.__The advisory
committee shall also provide

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