LD 2075
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LR 3236
Item 1

increase and of fiscal year spending without the increase;

D.__Two summaries, up to 500 words each, one in support of
and one in opposition to each proposal, of written comments
filed with the election officer by 45 days before the
election.__A summary may not mention names of persons or
private groups, nor any endorsements of or resolutions
against the proposal.__Measure representatives following
these rules shall write this summary for their proposal.__
The election officer shall maintain and accurately summarize
all other relevant written comments.

Except by later voter approval, if an increase in revenue exceeds
any estimate prepared under paragraph C for the same fiscal year,
the tax increase is thereafter reduced in proportion to the
amount of the excess, and the excess revenue that was collected
must be refunded in the next fiscal year.__Ballot questions for
revenue increases must begin:__"Shall (specify district) revenues
be increased (amount of first or, if phased in, full fiscal year
dollar increase) annually...?"

6.__Costs.__The State shall reimburse municipalities for the
following costs:

A.__The costs of any election under this section and
providing the notice required under subsection 5 if the
election provides for a state tax increase; and

B.__The cost of one local district election per year under
this section if that election occurs during a regular

§2044.__Expenditure limitations

1.__State expenditure limitation.__Beginning with the first
fiscal year that begins after this section takes effect, the
maximum annual percentage change in state fiscal year spending in
the categories specified in this subsection equals the inflation
adjustment factor plus the population adjustment factor and any
increases attributable to measures approved under section 2043.__
This limitation must be calculated separately for the following

A.__General Fund;

B.__Highway Fund;

C.__Quasi-governmental agencies and Other Special Revenue
funds, for which separate individual limitations must be

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