LD 2075
pg. 2
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LR 3236
Item 1

Fund, referred to in this section as "the fund," is established
and must be administered for the purposes identified in this

2.__Transfers to fund; limits.__The fund may receive transfers
by the State Controller of unallocated Highway Fund surplus at
the close of a fiscal year as provided in section 2046 and any
other funds identified by law.__The fund may not exceed 10% of
the total Highway Fund revenues received in the immediately
preceding fiscal year and may not lapse, but remains in a
continuing carrying account to carry out the purposes of this
section.__The limit at the close of a fiscal year is based on the
total Highway Fund revenues received in the fiscal year being

3.__Use of fund.__The Legislature may authorize transfers,
appropriations and allocations from the fund only to fund the
costs of the Highway Fund budget up to the expenditure limit
calculated under section 2044 in years when Highway Fund revenues
are less than the amount necessary to finance the level of
expenditures permitted under section 2044.

4.__Investment of funds; proceeds.__The money in the fund may
be invested as provided by law with the earnings credited to the
fund.__At the close of every month during which the fund is at
the 10% limitation described in subsection 2, the State
Controller shall transfer the excess to the Highway Fund Reserve
Fund established under section 2046.

Sec. 6. 5 MRSA §1664, last ¶, as enacted by PL 2003, c. 451, Pt. X,
§8, is amended to read:

The total General Fund appropriation for each fiscal year of
the biennium in the Governor's budget submission to the
Legislature may not exceed the General Fund appropriation of the
previous fiscal year multiplied by one plus the average real
personal income growth rate, as defined in section 1665,
subsection 1, plus the average forecasted inflation rate. For
purposes of this paragraph, "average forecasted inflation rate"
means the average forecasted change in the Consumer Price Index
underlying the revenue projections developed by the Revenue
Forecasting Committee pursuant to chapter 151-B. This
appropriation limitation may be exceeded only by the amount of
the additional costs or the lost federal revenue from the
following exceptional circumstances: unfunded or under-funded new
federal mandates; losses in federal revenues or other revenue
sources; citizens' initiatives or referenda that require
increased state spending; court orders or decrees that require
additional state resources to comply with the orders or decrees;
and sudden or significant increases in demand for existing state

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