LD 2075
pg. 11
Page 10 of 13 An Act To Create the Taxpayer Bill of Rights Page 12 of 13
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LR 3236
Item 1

local district must use the amount of the unprotected excess to
reduce the amount of property tax assessed in the succeeding
year.__For purposes of this section, "unprotected excess" means
the amount in excess of an amount set aside in a reserve account
for unanticipated contingencies, which may not exceed 10% of the
previous fiscal year's expenditure.

§2049.__Emergency taxes

1.__Emergency taxes permitted; conditions.__The State or a
local district may impose emergency taxes only in accordance with
this section:

A.__The tax must be approved for a specified time period by
a 2/3 majority of the members of each House of the
Legislature or by a 2/3 majority of the legislative body of
a local district;

B.__Emergency tax revenue may be spent only after other
available reserves are depleted and must be refunded 180
days after the emergency ends if not spent on the emergency;

C.__The tax must be submitted for approval by the voters at
the next statewide or districtwide election.

2.__Absence of approval.__If not approved by the voters as
provided in this section, an emergency tax expires 30 days
following the election.

Individual or class action lawsuits may be filed to enforce
this chapter and must be given the highest civil priority for
resolution.__Successful plaintiffs are allowed costs and
reasonable attorney's fees, but a district is not unless a suit
against it is ruled frivolous.__Revenue collected, kept or spent
in conflict with this chapter for 4 full fiscal years before a
suit is filed must be refunded with 10% annual simple interest
from the initial conduct.

Sec. 9. 36 MRSA §3321, sub-§5 is enacted to read:

5.__Voter approval.__Beginning on the July 1st following the
effective date of this subsection, a change in the rate of excise
tax resulting from the adjustment required in subsection 1 may
only take effect if approved by a majority of the voters at a
regular or special election.

Sec. 10. Maine Budget Stabilization Fund. The Maine Budget Stabilization
Fund established in the Maine Revised Statutes, Title 5, section
1522 is the successor in every way to the Maine

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