LD 1968
pg. 115
Page 114 of 131 An Act To Make Supplemental Appropriations and Allocations for the Expenditures... Page 116 of 131
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LR 3074
Item 1

following its purchase.__For the purposes of this paragraph,
the location of an aircraft on the ground in the State at any
time during a day must be considered as use for one complete
day; or

B. For more than 12 months in all other cases.

Property, other than automobiles, watercraft, snowmobiles,
aircraft and all-terrain vehicles, that is required to be
registered for use in this State does not qualify for this
exemption unless it was registered by its present owner outside
this State more than 12 months prior to its registration in this
State. If property required to be registered for use in this
State was not required to be registered for use outside this
State, the owner must be able to document actual use of the
property outside this State for more than 12 months prior to its
registration in this State. For purposes of this subsection,
"use" does not include storage but means actual use of the
property for a purpose consistent with its design.


Sec. FF-1. 5 MRSA §17851-A, sub-§1, ķI, as enacted by PL 1999, c. 493,
§6, is amended to read:

I. Employees of the Department of Corrections or the
Department of Administrative and Financial Services on
January 1, 2000 or hired thereafter, other than those
described in paragraph E, who are employed in a correctional
facility, as defined in Title 34-A, section 1001; or those
whose duties involve contact with prisoners, probationers,
parolees or juvenile offenders or any person employed as the
supervisor of those employees;


Sec. GG-1. 5 MRSA §13090-L is enacted to read:

§13090-L.__Media production certification

1.__Generally.__A media production company that intends to
undertake a media production in this State may apply to the
department to have the production, or a portion of the
production, certified under subsection 3 for purposes of media
production reimbursement pursuant to Title 36, chapter 919-A and
the credit under Title 36, section 5219-Y.

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