LD 1968
pg. 107
Page 106 of 131 An Act To Make Supplemental Appropriations and Allocations for the Expenditures... Page 108 of 131
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LR 3074
Item 1

1. Maine State Film Commission established. The Maine State Film
Commission, as established by section 12004-I, subsection 88, is
within the Office of Tourism and shall advise and assist the office
as necessary. The commission shall advise the commissioner and the
Director of the Office of Tourism with respect to the operation of
the Maine State Film Commission Office program.

A. The commission consists of 11 members appointed by the

(1) The members appointed must be involved in a
related business field or have experience or
familiarity with media marketing or public relations.
The Governor shall ensure an equitable regional
representation from the State.

(2) The Director of the Maine Arts Commission and the
commissioner shall serve as ex officio, nonvoting
members of the commission.

B. The terms of office of commission members are as

(1) All members are appointed for 3-year terms. Of
those first appointed, 3 are appointed for 3-year
terms, 4 are appointed for 2-year terms and 4 are
appointed for one-year terms. The Governor shall
designate the terms of office of those first appointed
at the time of appointment.

(2) Members shall serve until their successors are
appointed and take office. The Governor may terminate
the membership of any appointee for just cause and the
reason for the termination must be communicated in
writing to each member whose term is so terminated.

(3) Vacancies must be filled in the same manner as
original appointments, except that any person appointed
to fill a vacancy shall serve for the remainder of the
unexpired term of the vacancy.

C. The chair and vice-chair are appointed by the Governor
annually at the first meeting of the commission and serve
for one-year terms.

(1) The chair shall call meetings of the commission.

D. Members are compensated for expenses only in accordance
with chapter 379.

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