LD 1957
pg. 3
Page 2 of 14 An Act To Establish a Development Authority for Brunswick Naval Air Station ... Page 4 of 14
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LR 2604
Item 1

A.__Sue and be sued;

B.__Adopt bylaws or rules consistent with this article for
the governance of its affairs;

C.__Exercise all of the general powers of corporations under
Title 13-C, section 302;

D.__Exercise the power of eminent domain;

E.__Provide for the public safety by imposing appropriate
rules, regulating appropriate use of the base facilities and
enforcing laws and rules as they apply to the use of the
base facilities;

F.__Charge and collect fees, charges and rents for the use
of the properties and other services and use the proceeds of
those fees, charges and rents for the purposes provided in
this article, both subject to and in accordance with any
agreement with bondholders that may be made as provided in
this article;

G.__Contract with the Federal Government or its
instrumentalities or agencies, this State or its agencies,
instrumentalities or municipalities, public bodies, private
corporations, partnerships, associations and individuals to
carry out the purposes of this article;

H.__Accept the cooperation of the Federal Government or its
agencies in the construction, maintenance, reconstruction,
operation and financing of the readjustment of the base and
take necessary actions to utilize that aid and cooperation;

I.__Borrow money and apply for and accept advances, loans,
grants, contributions and other forms of financial
assistance from the Federal Government, the State, a
municipality or other public body or from other sources,
public or private, for the purposes of this article, give
any security that is required and enter into and carry out
contracts in connection with that financial assistance;

J.__Borrow money, make, issue and sell at public or private
sale negotiable notes, bonds and other evidences of
indebtedness or obligation of the authority for the purposes
under this article and secure the payment of that obligation
or any part of that obligation by pledge of all or any part
of the operating revenues of the authority;

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