LD 1868
pg. 2
Page 1 of 2 An Act To Eliminate Administrative Preliminary Hearings for Probationers LD 1868 Title Page
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LR 3015
Item 1

arrest of the person. After arrest, the person must be afforded a
preliminary probable cause hearing as provided in section 1205 and,
if retained in custody, section 1205-C, subsection 3 applies.

Sec. 5. 17-A MRSA §1205-C, sub-§2, as enacted by PL 1999, c. 246, §3,
is amended to read:

2. The motion must set forth the facts underlying the alleged
violation and be accompanied by the written statement prepared
pursuant to section 1205-A, subsection 3 a copy of the warrant of
arrest, the finding of probable cause or by a copy of the summons
delivered to the probationer unless the person is to be afforded
a probable cause hearing, as provided in section 1205, at the
initial appearance.


This bill eliminates the administrative hearings presently
conducted by the Department of Corrections to determine probable
cause for a probation violation and instead requires probable
cause hearings conducted by the courts.

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