LD 1805
pg. 2
Page 1 of 4 An Act To Provide Adult Adoptees Access to Their Original Birth Certificates ... Page 3 of 4
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LR 2450
Item 1

§2768.__Access to original birth certificate by adopted person

An adopted person may obtain a copy of that person's original
certificate of birth from the State Registrar of Vital
Statistics, referred to in this section as "the state registrar,"
in accordance with this section.

1.__Requirements.__The adopted person must be at least 18
years of age and have been born in this State.

2.__Application.__The adopted person must file a written
application with and provide appropriate proof of identification
to the state registrar.

3.__Issuance of birth certificate and forms.__Upon receipt of
the written application and proof of identification pursuant to
subsection 2 and fulfillment of the requirements of subsection 4,
the state registrar shall issue a noncertified copy of the
unaltered original certificate of birth to the applicant.__If a
contact preference or medical history form has been completed and
submitted to the state registrar pursuant to section 2769, the
state registrar also must provide that information.

4.__Fees; waiting period.__The state registrar may require a
waiting period and impose a fee for the noncertified copy
provided pursuant to subsection 3.__The fees and waiting period
imposed under this subsection must be identical to the fees and
waiting period generally imposed on persons seeking their own
birth certificates.

5.__Forms; rules.__The state registrar shall develop by rule
the application form as required by this section and may adopt
other rules for the administration of this section.__Rules
adopted pursuant to this subsection are routine technical rules
as defined in Title 5, chapter 375, subchapter 2-A.

Sec. 5. 22 MRSA §2769 is enacted to read:

§2769.__Contact preference and medical history forms

The State Registrar of Vital Statistics shall provide upon
request each birth parent a contact preference form and a medical
history form as described in this section.

1.__Definitions.__As used in this section, unless the context
otherwise indicates, the following terms have the following

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