LD 1794
pg. 1
LD 1794 Title Page An Act To Improve the Maine Enterprise Option Program LD 1794 Title Page
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LR 2931
Item 1

Be it enacted by the People of the State of Maine as follows:

Sec. 1. 26 MRSA §1197, sub-§4, ¶B, as enacted by PL 1993, c. 710, §2,
is amended to read:

B. A self-employment assistance allowance is payable to an
individual at the same interval, on the same terms and
subject to the same conditions as regular benefits except

(1) The requirements of section 1192, subsection 3
relating to availability for work and active search for
work are not applicable to the individual;

(2) The requirements of section 1193, subsection 3
relating to refusal to accept work are not applicable
to the individual;

(3) The requirements of section 1191, subsection 3 and
section 1043, subsection 17 relating to self-employment
income are not applicable to the individual;

(4) An individual is considered unemployed for the
purposes of section 1192; and

(5) An individual who fails to participate in self-
employment assistance activities or who fails to
actively engage on a full-time basis in activities,
which may include training, related to establishing a
business and becoming self-employed is denied benefits
for the week the failure occurs.; and

(6)__The self-employment assistance allowance may not
be reduced by per diem compensation paid to an
individual for work related to establishing a business
and performance of self-employment assistance


This bill amends the Maine Enterprise Option program to allow
an individual to receive per diem compensation for work related
to establishing a business and performance of self-employment
assistance activities without experiencing a reduction in the
self-employment assistance allowance.

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