LD 1787
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LR 2983
Item 1

An Act Regarding Certain Easements across State Park Land

Be it enacted by the People of the State of Maine as follows:

Sec. 1. Easements. The Department of Conservation, Bureau of Parks and Lands shall grant the necessary utility easements running under the existing rights-of-way in Wolfe's Neck Woods State Park for the purpose of installing underground utility services to the homes located on land identified in a deed from Lawrence H. Greenlaw to Sharon T. Renk-Greenlaw dated October 3, 1991 and recorded in the Cumberland County Registry of Deeds in Book 9757, Page 344 and in a deed from Elsie A. Griffin to William E. Griffin, Jr. dated June 15, 2001 and recorded in the Cumberland County Registry of Deeds in Book 16441, Page 9.


This bill directs the Department of Conservation, Bureau of Parks and Lands to grant necessary easements to ensure that underground utility services can be provided to homes owned by Lawrence Greenlaw, Sharon T. Renk-Greenlaw and William E. Griffin, Jr. located adjacent to Wolfe's Neck Woods State Park. The utility service will run underground beneath existing rights-of-way.

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