LD 1774
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LR 2583
Item 1

An Act To Improve the Water Quality and Safety of Phillips Lake

Be it enacted by the People of the State of Maine as follows:

Sec. 1. P&SL 2005, c. 17, §1  is amended to read:

Sec. 1. Lucerne-in-Maine Village Corporation authorized to construct, operate and maintain dam. The Lucerne-in-Maine Village Corporation in the Town of Dedham, Hancock County is authorized to construct, operate and maintain a dam at the outlet at the north end of Phillips Lake in the Town of Dedham. The dam, including any flashboards, must be constructed, operated and maintained at no higher than 227 feet above sea level as established by the National Geodetic Survey and at a width that is no less than the current width of the dam. The corporation may not be held liable for damages that result from the overflowing of lands.


This bill removes the height restriction for the dam at the outlet of Phillips Lake.

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