LD 1766
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LD 1766 Title Page An Act To Further the Implementation of the Essential Programs and Services Fun... Page 2 of 4
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LR 3021
Item 1

Be it enacted by the People of the State of Maine as follows:

Sec. 1. 20-A MRSA §15671-A, sub-§5, as amended by PL 2005, c. 12, Pt.
WW, §3 and affected by §18, is further amended to read:

5. Exceeding maximum state and local spending target. If the
sum of a school administrative unit's required local contribution
determined pursuant to section 15688, subsection 3-A plus the
state contribution as calculated pursuant to section 15688,
subsection 3-A, paragraph D, plus any state funds resulting from
a transition adjustment pursuant to section 15686, plus any
additional local amount proposed to be raised pursuant to section
15690, subsection 3 exceeds the school administrative unit's
maximum state and local spending target established pursuant to
subsection 4, the following provisions govern approval of that
additional amount.

A. The article approving the additional amount must conform
to the requirements of section 15690, subsection 3,
paragraph B. Notwithstanding section 1304, subsection 6;
section 1701, subsection 7; Title 30-A, section 2528,
subsection 5, or any other provision of law, municipal
charter provision or ordinance, voter approval of the
article, whether in town meeting, district meeting or other
voting process established by law, municipal charter or
ordinance, including, but not limited to, any vote on the
article initiated by voter petition, must be by referendum
or written ballot.

B. In a municipality where the responsibility for final
adoption of the school budget is vested by the municipal
charter in a council, this paragraph applies, except that
the petition and referendum provisions apply only if the
municipal charter does not otherwise provide for or prohibit
a petition and referendum process with respect to the
matters described in this paragraph.

(1) A majority of the entire membership of the school
board or committee must approve the additional amount
in a regular budget meeting.

(2) An article approving the additional amount must
conform to the requirements of section 15690,
subsection 3, paragraph B and be approved by a majority
of the entire membership of the council in a vote taken
in accordance with section 15690, subsection 5 or, if
the council votes not to approve the article, by a
majority of voters voting in a referendum called
pursuant to subparagraph (4).

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