LD 1765
pg. 1
LD 1765 Title Page An Act To Require Insurance Companies To Notify the Secretary of State when a M... Page 2 of 3
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LR 2457
Item 1

Be it enacted by the People of the State of Maine as follows:

Sec. 1. 29-A MRSA §1601-A, as amended by PL 2005, c. 428, §§1 and 2
and affected by §3 and corrected by RR 2005, c. 1, §14, is
further amended to read:

§1601-A. Notification of new insurance or cancellation of


1. Notice to Secretary of State required. A company insuring
a motor vehicle registered in this State shall immediately notify
the Secretary of State when that insurance coverage is cancelled
or terminated or lapses. If the company knows that a replacement
policy has been secured in place of the policy cancelled,
terminated or lapsed, the company is not required to notify the
Secretary of State.:

A.__New coverage; or

B.__Cancelled or terminated or lapses.__If the company knows
that a replacement policy has been secured in place of the
policy cancelled, terminated or lapsed, the company is not
required to notify the Secretary of State.

2. Method of notification. The notice must be in writing and
must be transmitted by the insurance company by electronic means
as prescribed by the Secretary of State.

3. Content of notice. The notice must include the following:

A. Name, address and date of birth of the owner or owners
of the motor vehicle; and

B. Vehicle identification number.

4. Suspension. Except as provided in subsection 5, the
Secretary of State, upon termination of a 15-day reconciliation
period described in subsection 6 following receipt of the notice
of cancellation, termination or lapse required in subsection 1,
paragraph B and a lack of evidence of insurance, shall suspend,
within 20 days and in accordance with section 2482, the owner's
registration certificate and plates for that motor vehicle. The
suspension continues until that person provides evidence of
insurance to the Secretary of State or until the Secretary of
State receives notice of new insurance coverage as required in
subsection 1, paragraph A.

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