LD 1720
pg. 4
Page 3 of 13 An Act To Make Revisions to the Maine Revised Statutes Relating to Agriculture ... Page 5 of 13
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LR 3052
Item 1

No A person may not buy, solicit or negotiate the sale of any
licensed commodity in this State as a representative of any agent,
broker, dealer or processor unless the representative that person
has been so authorized as a representative by a licensee in
writing, and a copy of the authorization is filed with the
commissioner, except where when the representative person conducts
business in the office of the licensee. The commissioner shall be
notified in writing by the licensee immediately upon the
termination of the authorization. A licensee shall notify the
commissioner in writing immediately upon terminating the
authorization for a person to act as that licensee's

Sec. 14. 7 MRSA §458, sub-§3, as enacted by PL 1981, c. 139, is
amended to read:

3. Retailers. Any person A retailer who sells licensed
commodities to consumers shall be is exempt from this subchapter
with respect to those sales.

Sec. 15. 7 MRSA §459, first ¶, as enacted by PL 1981, c. 139, is
amended to read:

If any a licensee fails to make such payment as provided in
section 457, subsection 1, paragraph B, that licensee, by reason
of the nonpayment is in default as to all producers or licensees
whose accounts then remain unpaid and the bond provided for shall
must be forfeited to the extent of all sums then due from the
licensee to the producers or licensees. Whenever the commissioner
determines that a licensee has failed to make payment, he the
commissioner shall provide notice, in a manner consistent with
the rule-making provisions of the Maine Administrative Procedure
Act, provide notice that payment under the bond will be sought
and indicating the time within which other producer or licensee
claims may be made known to him the commissioner. Upon
determination of the commissioner that there has been a default
in payment by a licensee, the conditions of the bond shall be are
deemed to be broken and the commissioner may bring action on the
defaulted bond for the benefit of producers or licensees.
Whenever the amount of the bond is not sufficient to cover all
valid claims, the commissioner shall distribute the amount
available on a pro rata basis.

Sec. 16. 7 MRSA §481 is repealed.

Sec. 17. 7 MRSA §482, first ¶ is amended to read:

No A person shall may not manufacture, sell, distribute,
transport, offer or expose for sale, distribution or

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