LD 1720
pg. 12
Page 11 of 13 An Act To Make Revisions to the Maine Revised Statutes Relating to Agriculture ... Page 13 of 13
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LR 3052
Item 1

the Association of Official Agricultural Chemists. The
commissioner, in determining for administrative purposes whether a
commercial fertilizer is deficient in any component, shall be is
guided solely by the official sample as defined and obtained and
analyzed as provided for in this section.

When the inspection and analysis of an official sample
indicate a commercial fertilizer has been adulterated or
misbranded, the results of analysis shall be forwarded by the
commissioner shall forward the results of the analysis to the
distributor or manufacturer. Upon request within 30 days, the
commissioner shall furnish to the registrant a portion of the
sample concerned.

Sec. 41. 10 MRSA §1661-B, sub-§3, as enacted by PL 2003, c. 452, Pt.
E, §4 and affected by Pt. X, §2, is amended to read:

3. Enforcement. The Commissioner of Agriculture, Food and
Rural Resources shall enforce this section pursuant to Title 7,
section 14 13.


This bill is authorized pursuant to Public Law 2005, chapter
382, Part G. This bill:

1. Repeals the requirement that the Commissioner of
Agriculture, Food and Rural Resources provide an opportunity for
a hearing when the commissioner becomes cognizant of a violation
of any provision in the Maine Revised Statutes, Title 7 or other
statutes delegating responsibility to the commissioner or the

2. Amends a provision relating to the farms purchased by the
State for use by the Maine Agricultural Experiment Station;

3. Corrects the provision for annual reports by the county
extension associations, requiring the reports to be sent to the
University of Maine rather than its board of trustees;

4. Amends the legislative findings in Title 7, chapter 101,
subchapter 1, Marketing and Advertising Farm Products;

5. Specifies that products sold at a farmers' market that are
not grown or processed by the person selling the products must be
purchased directly from another farmer who grew or processed the

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