LD 1713
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Document created 12/8/2006 15:21. - Get Text: MS-Word, RTF | PDF
LR 3045
Item 1

Resolve, To Direct the State Planning Office To Establish a Working Group To Standardize Accounting Standards at All Levels of Government

Sec. 1. Working group established. Resolved: That the Executive Department, State Planning Office shall create a working group to develop a standard accounting format for municipalities and counties. The State Planning Office shall consult with, and request assistance from, state agencies including the Department of Audit and advocacy groups including the Maine Municipal Association and the Maine County Commissioners Association. The standard accounting format must be designed to allow municipalities and counties to enter into cooperative regional efforts for cost-savings and efficiency purposes; and be it further

Sec. 2. Report and recommendations. Resolved: That the Executive Department, State Planning Office shall report its findings under section 1 and recommendations, including suggested legislation, if appropriate, to the Intergovernmental Advisory Commission no later than November 1, 2006; and be it further

Sec. 3. Authority to report out legislation. Resolved: That the Intergovernmental Advisory Commission is authorized to report out legislation concerning the findings under section 1 to the First Regular Session of the 123rd Legislature.


This resolve directs the Executive Department, State Planning Office to establish a working group to develop a standard accounting format for municipalities and counties. The State Planning Office shall consult with state agencies and advocacy groups. The standard format is intended to allow towns to enter into cooperative agreements for cost-savings purposes. The State Planning Office shall report its findings and suggested legislation to the Intergovernmental Advisory Commission. The commission may report out legislation to the First Regular Session of the 123rd Legislature.

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