LD 1711
pg. 7
Page 6 of 18 An Act To Make Minor Substantive Changes to the Tax Laws Page 8 of 18
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LR 2951
Item 1

A tax is imposed upon the transfer of the estate of every
person who dies after December 31, 2002 and who, at the time of
death, was a resident of this State.__The amount of this tax is
equal to the federal credit multiplied by a fraction, the
numerator of which is that portion of the decedent's federal
gross estate that consists of real and tangible personal property
located in the State plus all intangible personal property and
the denominator of which is the decedent's federal gross estate.

Sec. 19. 36 MRSA §4063-A, sub-§2, as enacted by PL 2001, c. 559, Pt.
GG, §5 and affected by §26, is repealed.

Sec. 20. 36 MRSA §4064, first ¶, as amended by PL 2005, c. 218, §42, is
further amended to read:

A tax is imposed upon the transfer of real property and
tangible personal property situated in this State and held by an
individual who dies prior to January 1, 2002 or after December
31, 2002 and who at the time of death was not a resident of this
State. When real or tangible personal property has been
transferred into a trust or a limited liability company or other
pass-through entity, the tax imposed by this section applies as
if the trust or limited liability company or other pass-through
entity did not exist and the property was personally owned by the
decedent. Maine property is subject to the tax imposed by this
section to the extent that such property is included in the
decedent's federal gross estate. The amount of this tax is a sum
equal to that proportion of the federal credit that the value of
the decedent's Maine real and tangible personal property in this
State bears to the value of the decedent's federal gross estate.
All property values under this section are as finally determined
for federal estate tax purposes, except that for estates of
decedents dying after December 31, 2002 that do not incur a
federal estate tax, all property values are as finally determined
by the assessor in accordance with the Code as if the estate had
incurred a federal estate tax. The share of the federal credit
used to determine the amount of a nonresident individual's estate
tax under this section is computed without regard to whether the
specific real or tangible personal property located in the State
is marital deduction property.

Sec. 21. 36 MRSA §4064-A, sub-§1, as enacted by PL 2001, c. 559, Pt.
GG, §7 and affected by §26, is amended to read:

1. Amount. A tax is imposed upon the transfer of real
property and tangible personal property situated in this State
and held by an individual who dies during the calendar year 2002
and who at the time of death was not a resident of this State.
When real or tangible personal property has been transferred into
a trust, the tax imposed by this section applies as if the trust

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