LD 1711
pg. 18
Page 17 of 18 An Act To Make Minor Substantive Changes to the Tax Laws LD 1711 Title Page
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LR 2951
Item 1

stamps if the distributor has posted a bond of 50% of the amount of
the cigarette stamp purchases.

It allows bonus depreciation, Section 179 expense and net
operating loss addition modifications claimed by a C corporation
to be recaptured by individual shareholders of the corporation if
it elects to be treated as an S corporation in a subsequent year.

It changes the date for the annual report to the Legislature
regarding the BETR/TIF overlap from January 15th to March 15th
and requires BETR applicants to provide BETR/TIF overlap
information to the State Tax Assesor.

It excludes from the Maine estate tax real and tangible
personal property owned by a resident of the State that is not
located in the State.

It provides that only a sale of personal property for value
will qualify for an automatic estate tax lien release. It
clarifies the commencement and duration of the estate tax lien.

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