LD 1704
pg. 1
LD 1704 Title Page An Act To Amend the Laws Governing the Archery Hunting Season LD 1704 Title Page
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LR 2624
Item 1

Be it enacted by the People of the State of Maine as follows:

Sec. 1. 12 MRSA §11403, sub-§3 is enacted to read:

3.__Expanded archery deer hunting season.__There is a special
expanded archery deer hunting season from the first Saturday
following Labor Day until the last day of the special muzzle-
loading hunting season under section 11404.__All provisions of
this section and sections 11102, 11106 and 11109 apply during
this season.__Any person who possesses an archery hunting license
under this section is eligible to purchase special season permits
as provided in section 11153.__One permit may be purchased
authorizing the taking of a deer other than an antlerless deer
and one permit may be purchased authorizing the taking of an
antlerless deer.

The expanded archery deer hunting season applies only to areas
that are closed to hunting with a firearm.__During the expanded
archery deer hunting season, areas that are open to hunting with
a firearm must be closed to archery hunting until the regular
archery hunting season begins.


This bill allows an expanded archery deer hunting season for
deer in areas that are closed to firearm hunting and also allows
the taking of 2 deer during the expanded archery deer hunting
season, one antlered deer and one antlerless deer.

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