LD 1696
pg. 1
LD 1696 Title Page An Act To Clarify the Assessment of Costs To Maintain a Private Way or Bridge ... LD 1696 Title Page
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LR 2625
Item 1

Be it enacted by the People of the State of Maine as follows:

Sec. 1. 23 MRSA §3103, as amended by PL 1997, c. 682, §2, is
further amended to read:

§3103. Contracts for repair; assessments

The owners, at a meeting held under section 3101, may
authorize a contract to be made for making and keeping the way or
bridge in repair by the year or for a less lesser time; and may
raise money for that purpose and choose assessors to assess it on
the owners in proportion to their interests, who as indicated by
their assessed valuation for property tax.__The assessors shall
deliver their assessment with a warrant for its collection to the
commissioner. The warrant must be in substance such as is
prescribed for collection of town taxes. The commissioner shall
collect the same as town taxes are collected, and be liable for
neglect of duty as town collectors are for similar neglects.


This bill provides that the assessment for the repair or
maintenance of a private way or bridge is applied proportionally
on the owners according to their assessed valuation for property

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