LD 1691
pg. 76
Page 75 of 99 An Act To Eliminate Pension Cost Reduction Bonding and Provide Replacement Budg... Page 77 of 99
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LR 2419
Item 1

Sec. FFF-2. Application. This Part applies to tax years beginning on
or after January 1, 2005.


Sec. GGG-1. 5 MRSA §1666, 2nd ¶, as amended by PL 2005, c. 386, Pt.
D, §1, is further amended to read:

The Governor, when submitting the budget to the Legislature,
shall submit the budget document and the General Fund and Highway
Fund bills in a manner that identifies the gross amount of
resources for each program. The gross unified budget bills and
budget document encompass resources from the General Fund,
Highway Fund, Federal Expenditures Fund, Federal Block Grant
Fund, Other Special Revenue funds Funds, internal service funds
and enterprise funds. Separate gross unified budget bills must be
submitted for the General Fund and the Highway Fund. All funds
except trust and agency funds, bond funds and costs of goods sold
expenditures in internal service funds and enterprise funds are
subject to legislative allocation. All programs with Highway Fund
allocations and all internal service funds, enterprise funds and
Other Special Revenue Funds accounts of the Department of
Transportation are subject to legislative allocations and are
presented for informational purposes only in the General Fund
budget bills unless a separate Highway Fund budget is not

Sec. GGG-2. 6 MRSA §54, as enacted by PL 1977, c. 678, §32, is
amended to read:

§54. Fees

All Effective October 1, 2005, all fees collected under this
chapter shall must be deposited to the Treasurer of State, and by
the Treasurer of State credited to the General Fund State
Transit, Aviation and Rail Transportation Fund.

Sec. GGG-3. 23 MRSA §§4210-B, 4210-C and 4210-D are enacted to read:

§4210-B. State Transit, Aviation and Rail Transportation Fund

1.__Establishment of fund. The State Transit, Aviation and
Rail Transportation Fund, referred to in this section as "the
STAR Transportation Fund" is established as an enterprise fund
through the Department of Administrative and Financial Services.
Funds appropriated, allocated, transferred or deposited in the
account accrue interest earnings that must be used within the
STAR Transportation Fund.

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