LD 1691
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LR 2419
Item 1

B.__Personnel in a private school that enrolls more than 60%
of its students at public expense;

C.__Personnel employed by or serving the school
administrative unit as contracted service providers;

D.__Personnel paid to work at a Child Development Services
System site, pursuant to chapter 307-A, in positions that do
not require certification or authorization; and

E.__Personnel employed by or serving a Child Development
Services System site, pursuant to chapter 307-A, as
contracted service providers.

2.__Qualifications.__The commissioner shall adopt rules to
define the function, eligibility, term and renewal of the
approval under subsection 1.__Rules adopted pursuant to this
subsection are routine technical rules as defined in Title 5,
chapter 375, subchapter 2-A.

3.__Fees.__The commissioner shall assess fees for approvals
under subsection 1.__The fee is $15 for the initial approval and
for renewal.


Sec. GG-1. 20-A MRSA c. 502-B is enacted to read:



§13101.__Professional Standards Board

1.__Board established.__There is established the Professional
Standards Board, referred to in this chapter as "the board," to
advise the state board regarding professional growth,
certification, endorsement, authorization and governance of the
education profession in this State. The board consists of the
following 22 members and 2 ex officio members:

A.__Two elementary school teachers;

B.__Two middle school teachers;

C.__Two high school teachers;

D.__Two educational specialists;

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