LD 1690
pg. 7
Page 6 of 14 An Act To Authorize, Subject to State Referendum, a Tribal Commercial Track and... Page 8 of 14
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LR 2425
Item 1

B. Municipal officers or county commissioners, as the case
may be, shall provide public notice of any hearing held under
this section by causing, at the applicant's prepaid expense, a
notice stating the name and place of the hearing to appear on
at least 3 consecutive days before the date of the hearing in
a daily newspaper having general circulation in the
municipality where the premises of the commercial track or
tribal commercial track with slot machines are located or one
week before the date of the hearing in a weekly newspaper
having general circulation in the municipality where the
premises are located.

Sec. A-16. 8 MRSA §1012, sub-§2, ¶¶A and C, as enacted by PL 2003, c.
687, Pt. A, §5 and affected by Pt. B, §11, are amended to read:

A. Noncompliance of the commercial track or tribal
commercial track licensed to operate slot machines with any
local zoning ordinance or other land use ordinance not
directly related to slot machine operations;

C. Repeated incidents of record of breaches of the peace,
disorderly conduct, vandalism or other violations of law on
or in the vicinity of the premises of the commercial track
or tribal commercial track with slot machines and caused by
persons patronizing or employed by the commercial track or
tribal commercial track licensed to operate slot machines;

Sec. A-17. 8 MRSA §1012, sub-§3, as enacted by PL 2003, c. 687, Pt. A,
§5 and affected by Pt. B, §11, is amended to read:

3. Appeal to board. Any applicant aggrieved by the decision
of the municipal officers or county commissioners under this
section may appeal to the board within 15 days of the receipt of
the written decision of the municipal officers or county
commissioners. The board shall hold a public hearing in the
city, town or unincorporated place where the premises of the
commercial track or tribal commercial track with slot machines
are situated. In acting on such an appeal, the board may
consider all licensure requirements and findings referred to in
subsection 2. If the decision appealed is an application denial,
the board may issue the license only if it finds by clear and
convincing evidence that the decision was without justifiable

Sec. A-18. 8 MRSA §1016, sub-§1, ¶B, as enacted by PL 2003, c. 687, Pt.
A, §5 and affected by Pt. B, §11, is amended to read:

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