LD 1686
pg. 4
Page 3 of 5 An Act To Amend the Laws Governing Political Caucuses, Conventions and Committe... Page 5 of 5
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LR 2403
Item 1

1. Committees to organize and report. The committees elected
at the convention shall organize within 30 days after the
convention. The secretary of each committee shall notify the
state committee of the name and residence of its chairman chair
and secretary within 10 days after their election. The state
committee shall hold an organizational meeting within 30 days
after the convention.

2. State committee to report organization. The chair and the
secretary of the state committee shall certify to the Secretary
of State the platform adopted and the names of the party's
candidates for presidential electors elector within 30 days after
the convention. The chair and the secretary of the state
committee shall certify to the Secretary of State the name and
residence of the chair and secretary of each committee and of
each committee member within 20 days after their election.

3. Term of office and duties of committees. The committees
and their officers shall hold office as prescribed in their
bylaws and shall perform the duties imposed upon them by the
convention and their bylaws.

4. Certain officers of state committee. The chairman chair,
vice-chairman vice-chair, treasurer and finance chairman chair of
the state committee may be chosen from outside the membership of
the state committee.


This bill makes the following changes to the laws governing
political caucuses, conventions and committees.

1. It provides that a person who meets certain requirements
may vote in any election in a municipality, including a biennial
municipal caucus.

2. It provides that a person who has not attained 18 years of
age may vote in a municipal caucus if that person will be at
least 18 years of age as of the date of the next general

3. It changes gender-specific language.

4. It changes the requirements for the calling, timing and
notice of a biennial municipal caucus.

5. It provides that delegates to a party's state convention
must be qualified to vote in the party's primary election unless
otherwise permitted by party rules.

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