LD 1684
pg. 5
Page 4 of 6 An Act Regarding Transition Provisions for the Sharing of Costs in Certain Scho... Page 6 of 6
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LR 2383
Item 1

2007-08 90% 10%

2008-09 100% 0%

The district meeting at which the article is considered must be
conducted in accordance with the same procedures as a regular
annual budget meeting conducted pursuant to Title 20-A, section

Sec. 4. Method of sharing costs in School Administrative District No. 74; transition
provision. Notwithstanding the Maine Revised Statutes, Title 20-A,
section 15688, subsections 2 and 3, and to ensure that the member
municipalities in School Administrative District No. 74 do not
experience significant adverse effects as a result of the cost-
sharing mechanism established pursuant to Title 20-A, section
15688, subsections 2 and 3, the Department of Education shall
continue to review and analyze the implications of this proposed
cost-sharing mechanism on the member municipalities in School
Administrative District No. 74. The Department of Education
shall assist the member municipalities in School Administrative
District No. 74 in developing a transition plan that includes a
phase-in to achieve the new method of determining member
municipalities' local cost of education in accordance with Title
20-A, section 15688, subsections 2 and 3 no later than fiscal
year 2008-09. The Department of Education shall report the
findings of this review, including any recommended legislation,
to the Joint Standing Committee on Education and Cultural Affairs
no later than February 1, 2006. The Joint Standing Committee on
Education and Cultural Affairs is authorized to introduce a bill
related to the Department of Education report to the Second
Regular Session of the 122nd Legislature.

Sec. 5. State valuation for Town of Lincoln. Notwithstanding the filing
deadline set forth in the Maine Revised Statutes, Title 36,
section 208-A, the Town of Lincoln may request a reduction in its
state valuation under Title 36, section 208-A for the year 2004
based on the reduction in value of the Eastern Fine Paper plant
in the town.

Sec. 6. General purpose aid for local schools; Town of Lincoln. Notwithstanding
any other provision of law, the Commissioner of Education shall
adjust the payments to the Town of Lincoln for general purpose
aid for local schools in accordance with the 2004 state valuation
amount of $225,000,000 for fiscal year 2005-06. If any savings
occur in fiscal year 2005-06 general purpose aid for local
schools account, the appropriate amount of those savings must be
applied to increase the general purpose aid for local schools
allocation to School Administrative District No. 67 for fiscal
year 2005-06. If insufficient savings occur in the fiscal year
2005-06 general purpose aid for local

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