LD 1677
pg. 22
Page 21 of 149 An Act To Make Supplemental Appropriations and Allocations for the Expenditures... Page 23 of 149
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LR 2150
Item 1

Information System Support Specialist II position from Mountain
View Youth Development Center to Department of Corrections -
Administration. Downgrades one Information System Support
Specialist II position to an Information Support Specialist and
transfers the position from the Maine State Prison to Department of
Corrections - Administration for the purpose of centralizing the
department's management information systems division.

GENERAL FUND2005-062006-07


Personal Services ($79,028) ($84,780)

All Other ($9,273) ($9,273)


GENERAL FUND TOTAL ($88,301) ($94,053)

Mountain View Youth Development Center 0857

Initiative: Reduces funding in Personal Services by maintaining
vacancies. These savings fund requests for positions in the
Maine State Prison and the Maine Correctional Facility.

GENERAL FUND2005-062006-07

Personal Services ($156,786) ($167,770)


GENERAL FUND TOTAL ($156,786) ($167,770)

Mountain View Youth Development Center 0857

Initiative: Allocates funds to Corrections - Departmentwide and
deallocates funds from various programs to reflect salary
savings as authorized in Public Law 2005, chapter 12, Part OO.

GENERAL FUND2005-062006-07

Personal Services ($34,953) ($34,953)


GENERAL FUND TOTAL ($34,953) ($34,953)

Juvenile Community Corrections 0892

Initiative: Transfers one Staff Development Coordinator position
from the Juvenile Accountability Incentive Block Grant to be
funded 25% from Adult Community Corrections and 75% from Juvenile
Community Corrections. Transfers All Other to Personal Services
to fund the position.

GENERAL FUND2005-062006-07


Personal Services$57,447$59,000

All Other ($57,447) ($59,000)


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