LD 1675
pg. 2
Page 1 of 2 An Act To Make a Standard Alternative Form of Regulation Available to Rural Tel... LD 1675 Title Page
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LR 1974
Item 1

in its revenue requirement support from the state universal service
fund as may be necessary to offset the effects of exogenous events
beyond the control of the rural telephone company to the extent
changes in the rates of the largest nonrural incumbent local
exchange carrier do not compensate for such exogenous events.

5.__Service quality.__The rural telephone company is subject
to service quality standards and an accompanying enforcement
mechanism that are similar to those applicable to the largest
nonrural incumbent local exchange carrier.

The commission may not adopt provisions for an alternative
form of regulation that are inconsistent with the provisions of
this section without the rural telephone company's consent.


This bill enacts law governing the alternative forms of
regulation that may be adopted for telephone companies, so as to
prescribe a standard form of streamlined alternative rate
regulation for the small rural telephone companies of the State.
The bill allows a rural telephone company the option of placing
itself under the standard alternative form of regulation by
proposing an alternative form of regulation to the Public
Utilities Commission that contains the standard provisions
established by the Legislature in this law. If the proposal
conforms to the standard alternative form of regulation, the
commission must adopt the proposal and may not adopt provisions
that are inconsistent with the standard provisions in the law,
unless the rural telephone company consents.

The bill allows the rural telephone company to establish its
rates for local basic service if the rates do not exceed the
rates of the largest nonrural telephone company in the State.
Also, the bill allows the rural telephone company to establish
rates for interexchange services, optional calling features and
other services that are generally directive with regard to rates
for intrastate access services. The bill requires the company to
comply with current law with regard to rates for intrastate
access services. The bill requires the rural telephone company
to be subject to service quality requirements and enforcement
mechanisms similar to those applicable to the largest nonrural
telephone company in the State under its alternative form of

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