LD 1674
pg. 3
Page 2 of 5 Resolve, Authorizing Certain Land Transactions by the Department of Conservatio... Page 4 of 5
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LR 2365
Item 1

situated on the northerly side of Route 201, in the Township of
Sandy Bay (T5 R3 NBKP), County of Somerset, and State of Maine, and
is adjacent to and southerly of the Jackman border crossing, and is
a portion of the parcel conveyed by Louis O. Hilton to the State of
Maine by deed dated December 12, 1985, and recorded in the Somerset
County Registry of Deeds in Book 1233, Page 53. Said parcel
subject to the rights of others to use the gravel road that runs
through the subject parcel, said gravel road to be upgraded by the
United States of America, acting by and through its General
Services Administration, in cooperation with the State of Maine,
Department of Conservation, to accommodate timber harvesting,
travel by the public and snowmobiling. For reference see rights
reserved in a deed from Louis O. Hilton to the State of Maine and
recorded in the Somerset County Registry of Deeds in Book 1233,
Page 53, and rights conveyed in common with Hilton and others
recorded in said Registry of Deeds in Book 770, page 336; and be it

Sec. 5. Director of Bureau of Parks and Lands authorized, but not directed, to convey
certain land in Town of Jonesboro, County of Washington. Resolved: That the
Director of the Bureau of Parks and Lands within the Department
of Conservation may by quitclaim deed without covenant convey,
for $1 and on such other terms and conditions as the director may
direct, to the University of Maine System, a certain lot of land
and buildings and improvements thereon commonly referred to as
Blueberry Hill Farm, and also known as the Maine Agricultural
Experiment Station, located in the Town of Jonesboro, Maine,
being approximately 29 acres in size and all as described in a
deed from Patrick J. Sullivan and Harry C. Sullivan to the State
of Maine dated January 24, 1946 and recorded in the Washington
County Registry of Deeds in Book 468, Page 232. The purpose of
this section is to authorize the conveyance of the subject lot,
which was inadvertently omitted in Resolve 1965, chapter 86.
That resolve authorized the transfer of certain lots of land
owned by the State of Maine to the former University of Maine.
The University of Maine and its successors, including the
University of Maine System, has since operated, improved and
maintained the parcel as the Maine Agricultural Experiment
Station and Blueberry Hill Farm; and be it further

Sec. 6. Director of Bureau of Parks and Lands authorized, but not directed, to convey
certain real estate in Town of Jay, County of Franklin. Resolved: That the
Director of the Bureau of Parks and Lands within the Department
of Conservation may by quitclaim deed without covenant convey for
fair market value, and on such other terms and conditions as the
director may direct, including maintenance and safety obligations
and responsibilities, to the inhabitants of the Town of Jay, a
50-foot wide trail-crossing easement at Station 2571+00 in the

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