LD 1673
pg. 10
Page 9 of 16 An Act To Implement the Recommendations of the Commission to Study Maine's Comm... Page 11 of 16
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LR 2373
Item 1

the board specifies by rule that portions of this information are
unnecessary. Except as provided in subsection 1-A, information
required by this subsection must be submitted in a form specified
by rule pursuant to section 8704.

Sec. 12. 22 MRSA §8709, sub-§1-A is enacted to read:

1-A.__Hospitals; standardized accounting template.__When
filing the annual financial information required by subsection 1,
a hospital licensed in accordance with chapter 405 shall submit
its information electronically using standardized accounting
template software designed by the Governor's Office of Health
Policy and Finance and provided to the hospital by the

Sec. 13. Standardized reporting and voluntary limits to control growth of hospital costs.

1. Voluntary restraint. To control the rate of growth of the
costs of hospital services, the Legislature requests that each
hospital licensed under the Maine Revised Statutes, Title 22,
chapter 405 voluntarily restrain cost increases and operating
margins in accordance with this section. The targets apply to
each hospital's fiscal year beginning on or after July 1, 2005
and remain in effect through the end of each hospital's fiscal
year beginning on or after July 1, 2007.

A. Each hospital is asked to voluntarily hold its operating
margin to no more than 3%, as measured using data submitted
to the Maine Health Data Organization using the electronic
standardized accounting template software required by Title
22, section 8709, subsection 1-A. For purposes of this
section, a hospital's operating margin is calculated by
dividing its operating income, as computed in the template,
by its total operating revenue, as computed in the template.

B. Each hospital is asked to voluntarily restrain its
increase in its expense per casemix-adjusted inpatient and
volume-adjusted outpatient discharge to no more than the
forecasted increase in the hospital market basket index for
the coming federal fiscal year, as published in The Federal
Register, when the federal Centers for Medicare and Medicaid
Services publishes the Medicare program's hospital inpatient
prospective payment system rates for the coming federal
fiscal year. For purposes of this paragraph, the measure of
a hospital's expense per casemix-adjusted inpatient and
volume-adjusted outpatient discharge is calculated by:

(1) Calculating the hospital's total hospital-only

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