LD 1662
pg. 4
Page 3 of 5 An Act To Amend the Law Governing the Department of Transportation's Contractin... Page 5 of 5
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LR 352
Item 1

procedures permitted by federal law.__The department may solicit
statements of qualifications and proposals, and award contracts for
services based upon the criteria contained in the solicitations,
only if the solicitations are posted electronically on the
department's publicly accessible site on the Internet for at least
2 weeks or advertised in newspapers.__If advertisements are
published in newspapers, they must appear in 2 or more public
newspapers circulated wholly or in part in the State and in one
public newspaper circulated wholly or in part in the county where
the proposed work is to be done, if any such newspaper is
circulated in that county.

The department has the full power to maintain qualifications
and performance data on firms and individuals that seek to
provide transportation-related services.__The commissioner may
designate projects requiring additional project-specific
prequalification standards and procedures for interested firms
and individuals.

§4243.__Contracts for construction and maintenance

The department has full power in the procurement and letting
of all contracts to construct, demolish or maintain
transportation infrastructure.__The department shall make, or
cause to be made, all surveys, plans, estimates, specifications
and contracts for all proposed work.__If the work is to be
contracted, the department shall, except as otherwise provided in
this Title, advertise for bids for the proposed work
electronically through the department's publicly accessible site
on the Internet or through advertisements in newspapers.__If
advertisements are published in newspapers, advertisements must
appear in 2 or more public newspapers circulated wholly or in
part in the State and in one public newspaper circulated wholly
or in part in the county where the proposed work is to be done if
any such newspaper is circulated in that county.__The
advertisement must state the place where the bidders may purchase
or examine the plans and specifications and the time and place
where the bids for the work will be received by the department.__
Each bidder must accompany its bid with a bid guaranty in
accordance with the department's specifications.__All bids
submitted must be publicly opened and read at the time and place
stated in the advertisement.__The department has the right to
reject any bids and to advertise for new bids if, in the
department's opinion, doing so is in the best interest of the
department; otherwise, the department shall award the contract to
the responsible bidder submitting the lowest bid.__A town may
submit bids for construction, demolition or maintenance of
transportation infrastructure within that town's limits and is
subject to all requirements prescribed for other contractors,
except that a bond is not required of the town.__The department

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