LD 1660
pg. 14
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LR 2361
Item 1

B.__For tax year 2009 and subsequent tax years, 50% of the
property tax revenue lost.

Notwithstanding paragraphs A and B, a municipality that has
approved exemptions under this subchapter may recover from the
State 100% of the property tax revenue lost due to the exemption
of BETR-expired property.__The bureau shall reimburse the
Unorganized Territory Education and Services Fund for taxes lost
by reason of the exemption according to the same schedule.

3.__Information provided to State; deviations in assessment
ratio.__The assessor shall provide by June 1st annually any
relevant information requested by the bureau for the purpose of
determining the actual assessment ratio in use for personal
property in the municipality.__The certified ratio declared by
the municipality must be considered accurate by the bureau if it
is within 10% of the assessment ratio last determined by the
bureau in its annual report of ratio studies.__The assessor may
submit additional information on the relevant assessment ratio to
the bureau in order to prove that a different ratio should apply.__
The bureau may accept a certified ratio that deviates more than
10% from the bureau's most recent state valuation report only if
the information submitted by the municipality clearly indicates
that the certified ratio is more accurate than the assessment
ratio contained in the bureau's most recent report.

4.__Payments by State.__Reimbursements to municipalities must
be made as described in this subsection.__A municipality claiming
reimbursement under this section shall submit a claim to the
bureau by November 1st of the year in which the exemption applies
or within 30 days of commitment of taxes, whichever occurs later.__
The bureau shall review the claims and determine the total amount
to be paid.__The bureau shall certify and the Treasurer of State
shall pay by December 15th of the year in which the exemption
applies the amount that the bureau determines for that tax year.__
Municipal claims that are timely filed after November 1st must be
paid as soon as reasonably possible after the December 15th
payment date.

5.__Reimbursement for state-mandated costs.__The bureau shall
reimburse municipalities and the Unorganized Territory Education
and Services Fund for state-mandated costs in the manner provided
in Title 30-A, section 5685.

§695.__Denial of exemption; appeals

If the assessor determines that a property is not entitled to
an exemption under this subchapter, the assessor shall provide a
notice of denial, including the reasons for the denial, to the

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