LD 1643
pg. 6
Page 5 of 6 An Act To Clarify and Harmonize State Policy on Groundwater Management LD 1643 Title Page
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LR 2288
Item 1

integrated and scientifically sound state policy regarding
groundwater management through:

1. Establishment of a uniform standard for state regulatory
review of the effects on groundwater withdrawal when such review
is provided for under existing provisions of the Maine Revised
Statutes, Title 12, chapter 206-A; Title 22, chapter 601; and
Title 38, chapter 3, article 6;

2. Appropriate changes in administrative procedures and
practices, including assessment of permit fees, under current
law; and

3. Identification of proposed changes in state law
appropriate and necessary to establish and implement a
consistent, integrated and scientifically sound state policy
regarding groundwater management for subsequent consideration by
the Legislature.

Nothing in this Act expands or limits the activities currently
subject to regulation under Title 12, chapter 206-A; Title 22,
chapter 601; and Title 38, chapter 3, article 6.


This bill directs the Department of Conservation, the
Department of Environmental Protection and the Department of
Health and Human Services, when permitting groundwater
withdrawals, to consider the effect of the proposed withdrawal on
water-related natural resources and existing uses and the effect
when considered in combination with existing water withdrawals.
It further directs those departments and the Maine Land Use
Regulation Commission to develop consistent review criteria for
groundwater withdrawal applications by January 1, 2006 and to
submit a report to the Governor and Legislature summarizing this
effort. The Department of Environmental Protection and the
Department of Health and Human Services, the Maine Land Use
Regulation Commission and the Maine Geological Survey are
directed to review application fees to ensure that they
adequately reflect the true cost of review. The Land and Water
Resources Council is directed to undertake a comprehensive study
of state groundwater regulations. The purpose of the study is to
identify any further changes in state law needed to ensure a
consistent, integrated and scientifically sound state policy with
regard to groundwater withdrawal. The Land and Water Resources
Council will report its findings to the Legislature by January
15, 2007. Those agencies will adopt any major substantive rules
recommended by the Land and Water Resources Council by March 15,

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